TRÜMMERFRAU - Anapeadrumawar,
ROOT4 - Burial gown,
NORTHBORNE - Trucks (v.1.0),
STRAFTANZ - Straftanz (Barcelona remix by DE_TOT_COR),
KAIAPHAS - Künstliche Welten (cover),
FGFC820 - Killing Fields,
RABIA SORDA - Save me from my curse,
SLEETGROUT - Rotten Reverie,
IN STRICT CONFIDENCE - Fading light (club mix),
NOISUF-X - My time,
AVOID KHARMA - Not real,
SNAKESKIN - Bite me, &
Fi - Tora-Tora-Tora.
dissabte, 25 d’octubre del 2008
divendres, 24 d’octubre del 2008
CD reviews [10.1]
Root4 - Vortstellungskraft (2008)
Sincerament: no sabia res d'aquest grup alemany (d'on si no?) anomenat Root4; però la màgia d'aquesta època en que et pots descarregar discos sense sentit, a vegades et sorprèn. Roots4 son 4 alemanys de Aschaffenburg, fans de la música de And One, Depeche Mode, Nitzer Ebb... Ara presenten el seu nou disc. 'Vorstellungskraft' és un disc rodó, d'aquells que tenen un inici, un nucli i un desenllaç. Em recorda als noruecs Essence of Mind (que a la vegada se'ls comparava (desafortunadament) amb Combichrist)). Root4 son més "pop", i alguns sons que no acaben de lligar; però vist el que surt últimament, aquest és un dels millors àlbums d'aquest octubre. Un baix que t'agradarà, bases típiques i tòpiques (què més pots demanar?), veus sense distorsió, lletres en alemany i anglès (que no diuen "fuck you" o "I need you, I feel you")... i fins i tot, una versió del tema "Eisbär". Si vas a la teva botiga de discos habitual, potser no el trobaràs; però si busques per internet, segur que el pots comprar. 'Vorstellungskraft', el disc que Root4 ha publicat aquest 2008, ha estat editat pel segell Sonic Boom Records.
TrümmerFrau - Músika Mottekki (2008)Finalment ha vist la llum el primer album de TrümmerFrau. Finalment TrümmerFrau ha trobat un segell (FlashPopMedia) que ha confiat en aquest genial projecte musical. 'Música Mottekki' és, com diuen ells mateixos, "probablement el primer album del món de electrònica freaky i melodia". Dins d'aquest 'Músika Mottekki' i reconeixeràs el clubhit "Gimme All Ya Juice, Baby", que estava en alguns recopil·latoris populars. Però tots els altres temes et sorprendran agradablement. Des de temes més potents i densos ("Anapeadrumawar" o "Ohrenfcik"), passant per temes amb distorsió de guitarres ("My Love is Noizy"), a temes ambientals ("Bipolar" o "Believe in Nothing") per posar la pausa necessària, a una cançó amb lletres tradicionals ("Elben"), pianos, violins... Un disc amb majúscules. Tot acompanyat amb un llibret amb històries i bromes sobre les cançons (en alemany, això sí). De totes maneres, 'Músika Mottekki' és un disc que has de tenir. Serà el Disc del Mes de novembre a Europa. Ha arribat el seu moment: TrümmerFrau is gonna rock you now!
Lost Area - Manmachine (2008)Lost Area sempre m'ha semblat un clon de BlutEngel. Mai m'ha convençut cap àlbum dels que han fet (de BlutEngel algun es pot escoltar sencer). Sempre treuen algunes bones cançons, però el resultat global del disc és molt fluix. Potser és que el minutatge dels seus àlbums és excessiu... no sé identificar el problema. El mateix problema però, és el que es repeteix a 'Manmachine', els seu nou disc. Escoltes els quatre primers tracks i tens esperança, i penses que finalment ho han aconseguit. Passen els minuts i la força va baixant. Fins esvaïr-se. I això que en aquest nou disc, Lost Area han augmentat de velocitat, han introduïts tocs bastant trance, més futurepop i han mirat a les pistes de ball més marxoses d'Europa. Però arriba la pista 8 i tot s'acaba. Així, et recomanem la primera meitat d'aquest 'Manmachine'. La segona meitat no te la grabis. O que es dediquin a treure EPs... Sort dels dos clubsmixs que regala el disc (això puja nota). Lost Area: Electro and E

FaderHead - FH3 (2008)Diuen que el senyor FaderHead s'ha calmat, que ha fet un disc més seriós. 'FH1' i 'FH2' eren dos grans àlbums, que amb el temps no han acabat de establir-se al nostre país. Eren discos amb una bona impressió inicial, bastant frescos (si es pogués saber la temperatura exacta). 'FH3' és més suau (si es pogués saber la temperatura exacta). Evidentment, també deix molt bona impressió, un cop escoltat unes poques vegades. Més industrial, menys ballable. Això sí, no li falta el clubhit de torn ("TZDV") amb números dits en alemany, que aviat podràs escoltar a la teva discoteca preferida. Straftanz? Una mica d'Straftanz sí que s'ha tornat, el sr. FaderHead. Però també més rock, més sentimental, més cantautor... Hednoize! No em queda res més que recomanar-te 'FH3'. Un disc intel·ligent, veient els seus dos predecessors. Tocava fer això, sí senyor! Encert excel·lent.
E.36 - Octubre
Diuen que més val tard que mai, així que a dia 24 d'octubre arriba l'Editorial d'aquest mes. Hi ha hagut molts canvis a EUROPA durant aquests últims dos mesos i ara podem escriure sobre tot això. El més important és que ja pots escoltar el programa de ràdio EUROPA des de qualsevol lloc del món. No és que Ona Valls FM s'hagi convertit en una emissoria equiparable a Catalunya Ràdio o totes aquestes, no... Molt millor. La radio Radio Umbria, que emet per internet, ens ha acollit i ara pots escoltar el programa de radio cada dijous de 22 a 23h. Només cal que escriguis i escoltar-lo. Si no et va bé aquella hora, també te'l pots descarregar. Ja no tens excuses per obtenir la teva dosi de música industrial i electrodark.
El canvi de format (de pàgina web a bloc) ha significat que EUROPA encara pugui existir. D'aquesta manera podem actualitzar la pàgina molt més fàcilment que abans. Intentem aportar notícies setmanalment, així com les playlists dels programes de radio, CD reviews, i algunes entrevistes molt interessants (Aesthetic Perfection i Den.c.t.Bug). Hi ha molta més oferta a internet sobre aquest món, però també EUROPA té aquest petit espai propi.
Espero que ja tinguis preparades les castanyes o que coneguis una bona castanyera. El fred sembla que va arrivant. Les matemàtiques no fallen. Fins a l'E.37 - Novembre!
El canvi de format (de pàgina web a bloc) ha significat que EUROPA encara pugui existir. D'aquesta manera podem actualitzar la pàgina molt més fàcilment que abans. Intentem aportar notícies setmanalment, així com les playlists dels programes de radio, CD reviews, i algunes entrevistes molt interessants (Aesthetic Perfection i Den.c.t.Bug). Hi ha molta més oferta a internet sobre aquest món, però també EUROPA té aquest petit espai propi.
Espero que ja tinguis preparades les castanyes o que coneguis una bona castanyera. El fred sembla que va arrivant. Les matemàtiques no fallen. Fins a l'E.37 - Novembre!
News 10.3

+ DE_TOT_COR ha realitzat un remix del tema "Straftanz" del grup alemany STRAFTANZ. El remix inclou nous sons i veus amb els noms dels dark-clubs de Barcelona. Ja pots demanar aquest remix al teu DJ habitual.
+ Després d'editar fa un temps l'EP "End of Love", SCHALLFAKTOR tornen. Ara treuran el seu primer LP, que s'anomenarà "Sittenverfall", a finals d'aquest any. Aviat podrem saber més detalls d'aquest disc que publicarà Infated Recordings.
+ Suposo que tots ja teniu planejades les festes de HALLOWEEN. Com sempre els dark-clubs de Barcelona ofereixen tot tipus de possibilitats. Música, disfresses, carbasses i castanyes.
+ A la web de Radio Umbria, concretament a l'apartat de UMBRIA TV, pots veure una nova emissió on et presenten 4 videoclips de grups de terres espanyoles: Silica Gel, Estatuas de Sol, Extinction Front i The Eternal Fall.
dissabte, 18 d’octubre del 2008
News 10.2

+ A les 19h d'aquest dissabte dia 18 d'octubre, NARSILION presentarà els seus temes al Forum de FNAC l'illa diagonal de Barcelona. Aprofita que l'entrada es gratuïta.
+ El 27 d'octubre s'edita el nou disc dels mexicans AMDUSCIA. Portarà per títol 'Madness in Abyss' i anirà acompanyat d'un bonus-CD amb temes ambientals. El disc conté temes que pinten interessantíssims, com "Kill, inc., motherf**kers", "La Muerte" o "What". Esperem que aquest nou album de Amduscia sigui tan bo com "From here to apostacy".
+ Encara no has comprat el nou disc de AESTHETIC PERFECTION: 'A Violent Emotion'?
dissabte, 11 d’octubre del 2008
Playlist EUROPA 11/10/08
NONPOPTALE - Das Gold (feat. Rasc from Rotersand),
ROTERSAND - Sonic Agony,
NACHTMAHR - Katharsis,
COMBICHRIST - Like to thank my buddies,
AESTHETIC PERFECTION - Living the wasted life,
AMDUSCIA - Seal you in red,
MODULATE - Hard and dirty,
SCHNARPH! - Reden und Atmen,
WOLFSHEIM - For you I'm bleeding.
ROTERSAND - Sonic Agony,
NACHTMAHR - Katharsis,
COMBICHRIST - Like to thank my buddies,
AESTHETIC PERFECTION - Living the wasted life,
AMDUSCIA - Seal you in red,
MODULATE - Hard and dirty,
SCHNARPH! - Reden und Atmen,
WOLFSHEIM - For you I'm bleeding.
dijous, 9 d’octubre del 2008

Europa: Hi Daniel! First of all, Europa must congratulate you for "A Violent Emotion"!! Amazing album.
Daniel Graves: Thank you very much. It was a long process to finish it and I'm glad it's done!
E.: You're on tour thru US with Imperative Reaction and SITD. Do you like being on tour? Do you use to spend time visiting the city where you play that night?
D.G.: The last couple weeks have been a really great time. Everyone gets along really well, which is important when you're stuck on a bus together. Unfortunately, though, we haven't had any time to see the cities were playing in. The schedule is really tight and so all anyone ever sees, is what is visible through the tour bus windows and the inside of the clubs.
E.: How is the audience reacting to your new songs? And how has been the media/DJs reaction with "A Violent Emotion"?
D.G.: It's funny because I'm not playing a lot of old material. Outside of "Fix" every track I'm playing is new, so I was kind of concerned about people not responding to tracks they don't know. As it turns out the new songs are received better than "Fix". Who knows? Maybe I'll toss "I Belong to You" in the mix and see how it compares to the new stuff. And about media responses... I have no idea, because I haven't had time to go online and read people's opinions. Outside of one person on who said the record was terrible and mediocre, I've got no idea what you people think of it.
E.: In our site, we see "A Violent Emotion" as one of the top3 albums of 2008. You spent a long time working with it... Do you wait until "you have the perfect Aesthethic Perfection song"?
D.G.: No. I hate everything I do the second it's finished. I usually come up with a certain part of a song and then just obsess over it for about 6 months. I change shit around, add new stuff in, take stuff out. When it begins the song is just a complete mess of random ideas that I try to piece together. In the process of writing I'm very excited about the music and I listen to it constantly. But the second the work is done, I'm finished with it and never want to hear it again.
E.: I guess you're tired of the question: How do you decide which song is going to Necessary Response and which to Aesthetic Perfection... So, we're not going to ask. Do you like sport? Do you practice any sport?
D.G.: I actually hate sports. It reminds me of being in school and being forced to play shitty games with all the other kids. I do exercise, though. There's 1 part of me that loves eating healthy and staying fit and the other part loves ruining the first part with a lot of drinking and self-destructive behavior. I'm still alive, so I think I've got a good balance going on.
E.: Are you going to do an European tour after North-America? Any plans for Spain?
D.G.: I will definitely tour Europe in 2009. The exact details like with who, where, how and when are still unclear. I would love to see Madrid, I've never been there.
E.: You moved from California to Austria. Do you think the German scene is what a band/project needs to success? I mean, is it "easier" here? Like it is "easier" to be a punk-rocker in California?
D.G.: That's a hard question to answer. At the end of the day the largest scene for this kind of music exists in Europe. How much actually moving there helped me, I don't know. I decided to move there for a lot of reasons. It's not something I would recommend someone to do in order to become a rock star, though.
E.: Can you complete the list of the top3 three albums of 2008?
D.G.: I'm sorry, I can't put my own music in any top list. But thanks for thinking of me in yours! [Europa put "A Violent Emotion" in number 1, and Daniel Graves erased it]. Not sure if these albums were released in 2008 but they have been my favorites during the last year: 1- Moving Units - "Hexes for Exes" 2- The Faint - "Fasciinatiion" 3- genCAB - "II transMuter"
E.: Any last comments for our readers?
D.G.: Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
E.:Thank you so much Mr Daniel Graves! Necessary Response and Aesthetic Perfection is the music that Europa likes. Much success to your new "A Violent Emotion"!
Daniel Graves: Thank you very much. It was a long process to finish it and I'm glad it's done!
E.: You're on tour thru US with Imperative Reaction and SITD. Do you like being on tour? Do you use to spend time visiting the city where you play that night?
D.G.: The last couple weeks have been a really great time. Everyone gets along really well, which is important when you're stuck on a bus together. Unfortunately, though, we haven't had any time to see the cities were playing in. The schedule is really tight and so all anyone ever sees, is what is visible through the tour bus windows and the inside of the clubs.
E.: How is the audience reacting to your new songs? And how has been the media/DJs reaction with "A Violent Emotion"?
D.G.: It's funny because I'm not playing a lot of old material. Outside of "Fix" every track I'm playing is new, so I was kind of concerned about people not responding to tracks they don't know. As it turns out the new songs are received better than "Fix". Who knows? Maybe I'll toss "I Belong to You" in the mix and see how it compares to the new stuff. And about media responses... I have no idea, because I haven't had time to go online and read people's opinions. Outside of one person on who said the record was terrible and mediocre, I've got no idea what you people think of it.
E.: In our site, we see "A Violent Emotion" as one of the top3 albums of 2008. You spent a long time working with it... Do you wait until "you have the perfect Aesthethic Perfection song"?
D.G.: No. I hate everything I do the second it's finished. I usually come up with a certain part of a song and then just obsess over it for about 6 months. I change shit around, add new stuff in, take stuff out. When it begins the song is just a complete mess of random ideas that I try to piece together. In the process of writing I'm very excited about the music and I listen to it constantly. But the second the work is done, I'm finished with it and never want to hear it again.
E.: I guess you're tired of the question: How do you decide which song is going to Necessary Response and which to Aesthetic Perfection... So, we're not going to ask. Do you like sport? Do you practice any sport?
D.G.: I actually hate sports. It reminds me of being in school and being forced to play shitty games with all the other kids. I do exercise, though. There's 1 part of me that loves eating healthy and staying fit and the other part loves ruining the first part with a lot of drinking and self-destructive behavior. I'm still alive, so I think I've got a good balance going on.
E.: Are you going to do an European tour after North-America? Any plans for Spain?
D.G.: I will definitely tour Europe in 2009. The exact details like with who, where, how and when are still unclear. I would love to see Madrid, I've never been there.
E.: You moved from California to Austria. Do you think the German scene is what a band/project needs to success? I mean, is it "easier" here? Like it is "easier" to be a punk-rocker in California?
D.G.: That's a hard question to answer. At the end of the day the largest scene for this kind of music exists in Europe. How much actually moving there helped me, I don't know. I decided to move there for a lot of reasons. It's not something I would recommend someone to do in order to become a rock star, though.
E.: Can you complete the list of the top3 three albums of 2008?
D.G.: I'm sorry, I can't put my own music in any top list. But thanks for thinking of me in yours! [Europa put "A Violent Emotion" in number 1, and Daniel Graves erased it]. Not sure if these albums were released in 2008 but they have been my favorites during the last year: 1- Moving Units - "Hexes for Exes" 2- The Faint - "Fasciinatiion" 3- genCAB - "II transMuter"
E.: Any last comments for our readers?
D.G.: Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
E.:Thank you so much Mr Daniel Graves! Necessary Response and Aesthetic Perfection is the music that Europa likes. Much success to your new "A Violent Emotion"!
dimecres, 8 d’octubre del 2008
News 10.1

+ Aquest cap de setmana es celebra a Vitoria el SPKTRO festival. Dues nits d'electrodark que no et pots perdre, amb un cartell més que interessant, amb noms con Straftanz, Reaper, Terrolokaust, Suicide Commando, Nurzery Rhymes o Painbastard.
+ TRÜMMERFRAU ja tenen llest el seu àlbum debut, "Musika Mottekki", que publicarà el segell Flashpop Media. Ja el pots demanar per internet aquí. Una de les sorpreses de la temporada d'hivern. Trümmerfrau is gonna rock you now!
+ Els estonis SUICIDAL ROMANCE ja tenen a punt el seu nou EP 'A kiss to resist'. El nou treball estarà format per 5 temes nous i un munt de remixs (destaquen noms com Aesthetic Perfection o Syrian). A més a més, Suicidal Romance han aprofitat per rentar la cara a la seva pàgina web.
dimecres, 1 d’octubre del 2008
Album of the month: A VIOLENT EMOTION
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